The magical effect of celery

Celery, also known as dry celery and medicinal celery, Umbelliferae is a biennial herbaceous plant. It is eaten as a vegetable stem and is native to the marshes in the Mediterranean coast. In China, celery has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years.


Throughout the ages, people’s love for celery has not diminished. Legend has it that the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, Wei Zheng, was very particular about the diet, and served celery, almost every day with sweet and vinegar mixed meal. Du Fu, a well-known poet in the Tang Dynasty in China, once had a poem saying: "The rice boiled with green mud and celery" and "celery tourmaline."

[How to buy]

There are four main types of celery on the market: Qingqin, Huang Xinqin, Baiqin and Meiqin. If you want to buy quality celery, you must first understand the edible quality characteristics of these four kinds of celery: thick green celery; yellow Xinqin thick, tender phase; white celery taste is light, not brittle; Meiqin taste, eat crisp.

Regardless of the type of celery, the dark green leaves should not be bought. Because the leaves are “dark black”, they indicate that there is a lack of water during growth, growth is slow, there are more crude fibers, and they eat older.

Fresh celery is not fresh, mainly to see if the leaves are straight. Fresh celery leaves are straight, long-term storage of celery, the tip of the leaf will be tilted, leaves soft, even yellow rust.

【nutrient content】

The content of vitamin B in celery is relatively high, and the content of mineral elements such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron is also higher than that of ordinary green vegetables. It is determined that each 100 g of celery contains 2.2 g of protein, 8.5 mg of calcium, 61 mg of phosphorus, and 8.5 iron. In milligrams, the protein content is 1 times higher than that of common fruits and vegetables, and the iron content is about 20 times that of tomatoes.

[Pharmaceutical efficacy]

Chinese medicine believes that celery is sweet, cold, into the lungs, stomach, liver, the effectiveness of diuretic Zhen Huan, rational stomach and phlegm dampness, in addition to the heart under the hot. There are scattered silt broken knot, Xingpi stomach, heat Pinggan, Qingli damp heat, swelling detoxification, blood pressure anti-glare effect.

(1) The high calcium and phosphorus content of celery has certain sedative and protective effects on the blood vessels. It can also enhance bones and prevent pediatric rickets.

(2) Celery has certain adjuvant therapeutic effects on hypertension, vascular sclerosis, neurasthenia, and rickets in children.

(3) Celery is rich in fiber, has a strong bowel function, can absorb intestinal water and impurities, the harmful substances in the body, and even carcinogenic components excreted. Therefore, celery is used as a sanctuary for weight loss and beauty.

【Usage method】

Celery can be fried, can be mixed, can be baked, can be baked, but also made into a drink.

【Food Taboo】

Many people are accustomed to losing celery leaves when they eat celery, and only eat celery stalks. This method of eating is unscientific. Because the nutritional content of celery leaves is much higher than the celery stems. The nutritionists tested the 13 nutrients in the celery stems and leaves and found that there were 10 nutrients in the celery leaves that exceeded the stems.

Among them, the carotene content is more than 88 times; the content of vitamin C is more than 13 times; the content of vitamin B1 is more than 17 times; the protein is more than 11 times; and the calcium is more than 2 times. The ascorbic acid content of celery leaves is also high. Visible, the nutritional value of celery leaves can not be ignored.

4G Solar Camera

What is 4G Solar Camera

Professional 4G Solar Camera manufacturer is located in China, including Hd 4G Solar Powered Cctv Camera,4G Solar Powered Cctv Camera,Outdoor 4G Solar Powered Cctv Camera, etc.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor solar cameras

Wired cameras and wireless cameras have their own advantages and disadvantages, mainly depending on the purpose for which you install the camera.
1. If it is to be fixed outdoors with convenient wiring, it is better to install wired cameras;
2. If you are at home or need to change the monitoring location at any time, 4G wireless monitoring will be more convenient;
3. With the development of solar monitoring technology, outdoor installation of solar monitoring will be better.
Advantages and disadvantages of wired cameras and wireless cameras
1. Wired camera
The advantages are that the technology is mature, the industrial Network Camera technology is directly transplanted, the signal interference is not feared, and it is stable and reliable;
The disadvantage is that the installation is complex and requires wiring. It can only be accessed through a computer. The scope of use is limited and it is not suitable for home use.
2. Wireless camera
The advantages are that there is no need for wiring, the installation and increase of cameras are relatively convenient, and the cost of Internet access is low;
The disadvantage is that it will be interfered by the signal, which may affect the definition and transmission speed of the picture.
Extended data
Now the technology of solar energy monitoring is mature, and solar energy can be used to solve the problem of power supply. Outdoor monitoring can also choose more advanced solar energy monitoring. Remote monitoring without power and network is no longer an imagination.
1. Simple installation: install by yourself without inviting construction personnel;
2. Adjustable angle: 360 degree rotation, no dead angle monitoring;
3. No electricity connection: solar power generation and built-in lithium battery power supply;
4. No wiring: no wall chiseling or decoration damage.
matters needing attention
The configuration of the solar power supply system requires the customer to provide the total power consumption of each load equipment,
It is necessary to know the local lighting conditions and the duration of continuous operation of the equipment

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